Notes on Learning How to Learn
These are the notes I took when completing the Learning How to Learn course, available here . I got a lot out of this course. Prior to completing it, I had always viewed learning difficult subjects as something intimately related to someone's intelligence, and thus an implicit value judgment (my attitude toward that has changed too!). After completing it, I viewed learning as much more formulaic - a process that most people can go through and perform well at, provided they do so in a logical way. Through completing the course I learned much more about how the brain actually works to learn and retain new concepts and information, as well as lots of techniques to help be a more effective learner in future. Frankly, I wish I'd had access to this in high school - it would have made high school and undergrad far easier and far less stressful. These are just quick notes I took at the time, they'll be more useful as a refresher to someone who has taken the course before than ...